Why the Donald Sterling Recorded Conversation Reveals What is Wrong with Society…and Marriage Today

You’ve probably heard (a thousand times over) about the recorded conversation of Donald Sterling’s conversation about his views race, society on black people coming to his Clippers games.

Why the Donald Sterling Recorded Conversation Reveals What is Wrong with Society...and Marriage Today | JackieBledsoe.com - Lead and Love the Ones Who Matter Most

I can honestly say it has been a large part of my media consumption over the past couple days. Probably close to an unhealthy amount.

The elephant in the room

As bad as his rant was and his views about race and our society, that may not be the worst part about it. I’ve listened to the audio, read numerous articles, and read some threads on various social media outlets.

Each time I read it there was one huge point being ignored, or just completely disregarded. This omission to me has revealed what is wrong with society and marriage today.

There are people ranting about how twisted his racial views are, and rightfully so, as he has some really crazy views. But there is one major thing that has yet to be ranted about, and it amazes me.

A married man, a girlfriend, and a voice recorder… BIG news today

For those who were on a media fast, lost your phone, TV, and computer, or just don’t consume much media, let me catch you up to speed.

Donald Sterling, owner of the NBA’s Los Angeles Clippers, was recorded having a conversation with is girlfriend, V. Stiviano, about who she posts pictures with on Instagram, and who she brings to his Clippers games.

The media has gone wild with it. But the thing is, Donald Sterling is a married man. His girlfriend is shown sitting court side on the front row next to him at Clippers’ games in many of the pictures.

I just assumed that Sterling was divorced, but every article I read never said his “ex-wife” when referring to Rochelle Sterling. I searched and searched, but everything confirmed they are married. Mrs. Sterling even commented on the debacle.

Is cheating on your spouse the accepted norm?

So, it seems that the relationship with Ms. Stiviano is well know, and worst of all, accepted! That baffles me how this goes unmentioned. And it reveals some major issues with marriage today.

Not one article or social media thread that I’ve read thus far had anybody crying out about him being married and apparently living a very public life with his girlfriend. It’s pretty sad to me.

Maybe while the NBA investigates Sterling to determine what, if any, action they’ll take, we should all investigate ourselves and determine what actions we need to take in order to make marriage more valuable, and to make it something worth fighting and ranting for.

An insensitivity toward the value of marriage like this just might be why the divorce rates are so high today. Because it’s cool to just have a girlfriend while married.

And it doesn’t even have to be kept a secret! I mean front row, court side, at an NBA game of the team you own? That might as well been Mrs. Sterlings home!

The value placed on marriage today

Okay, my rant is over. I’d like to hear your thoughts. Your thoughts about what this says about the value, or lack of, we place on marriage today.

Why do you think it wasn’t a big deal that this man has a public “girlfriend” while married?

photo credit: Katie Tegtmeyer via photopin cc

Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

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2 thoughts on “Why the Donald Sterling Recorded Conversation Reveals What is Wrong with Society…and Marriage Today

  1. Everything about this situation bothers me. You want to know why nobody is up in arms about Sterling being a married man here it is. One, the whole racial aspect of this is what the media wants to focus on. Many people like me thought he was divorced, and many people are not trying to dig to find out otherwise.

    Second, you hit it on the head. We as society just don’t have the same respect or value marriage like the generations before. You can see it everywhere with lawyers advertising divorces as low as $200.00 like you was bargain shopping.

    With all the sexual immorality running ramped it is easier for society to look the other way. Many people that should be making a fuss can’t in fear of their own dirty laundry being exposed.